



Birmingham-南部 College announces $2 million gift, launches giving effort

Birmingham-南部 College announces $2 million gift, launches giving effort

12月. 8, 2016

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.--Birmingham-南部 College announced Thursday, 12月. 8日表示已推出三年, $30 million giving initiative to build on the college’s strength as a national-caliber liberal arts institution. 的 通往未来之桥 initiative will allow the college to introduce new academic programs, 扩招, 再投资于当地社区.Birmingham-南部 College announces $2 million gift, launches giving effort

的 college has received a $2 million lead gift to kick off the effort from Jim and Tammy 皮尔斯 of Destin, 佛罗里达州. 吉姆•皮尔斯, a member of the 澳门新葡京官网 Board of Trustees and 1974 alumnus, 获得了沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位, 他是一名投资者, 董事会成员, and has held multiple executive positions at Isagenix, 一家快速发展的健康保健公司.

“这一举措对平衡计分卡来说是一个大胆的举动, but Jim and Tammy’s incredibly generous gift is indicative of the level of support the college has from our Board, 我们的校友, 以及更广泛的社区. We are grateful to have the kind of commitment that will take our distinguished college to the next level and launch a new phase of sustained growth,澳门新葡京官网主席Linda 佛罗里达州herty-Goldsmith说, who is spearheading the initiative as she completes her first semester in office. “在我担任平衡计分卡主席的短暂时间里, I have been so grateful to Jim for giving his time to provide strong leadership on our Board, and now he and Tammy have made such an important leadership gift.”

佛罗里达州herty-Goldsmith said the initiative will give 澳门新葡京官网 a platform to expand its enrollment to 1,600名学生——从1名,300 currently--by funding the costs of renovating first-year residence halls, providing scholarship support to incoming students, and helping recruit and retain faculty and staff. 去年, the college provided close to $30 million in aid to students; 25 percent of 澳门新葡京官网 students are first-generation college students.

最关键的是 通往未来之桥 will allow us to make the remarkable education we provide at 澳门新葡京官网 accessible to more students,弗莱厄蒂-戈德史密斯说. “We have the opportunity to impact not just the lives of our students, but through them to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods, 我们的城市, 我们的国家, 我们的世界.”

皮尔斯, who came to Birmingham-南部 on a scholarship while working nights at a local factory, said that his experiences at and support from the college put him on the path to success.

“的re is no question that 澳门新葡京官网 changed my life,” he said. “Tammy and I want to ensure that the next generation of students has the opportunity to receive the kind of hands-on, high-caliber education that this college offers--and that’s becoming even more important as our world is becoming more complex. We are so excited about everything that’s happening right now on the campus and with the new strong leadership.”

通往未来之桥 launches just as 澳门新葡京官网 is working to introduce several innovative majors and programs in the 2017-18 academic year, including a program in Creative and Applied Computing, 贫困研究的杰出之处, 公共卫生的区别, and an expansion of its unique Urban Environmental Studies major. It will also help support the college’s efforts to expand its partnership with the Birmingham community, especially in the West End neighborhoods that surround the school.

哈顿·史密斯和莉兹·费瑟ingill, 2000年, 都是平衡计分卡董事会的成员, are serving as volunteer co-chairs of the initiative.

澳门新葡京官网正处于伟大的顶峰, and while we’re already respected as a top national liberal arts college, it’s time for us to make sure that we’re bringing in the best students from all over the world,史密斯说. “的 community values Birmingham-南部, and 澳门新葡京官网 alumni drive the city forward. 的 通往未来之桥 will allow the community an opportunity to invest in the college’s future.”


三年, $30 million fundraising initiative will support three strategic goals for building 澳门新葡京官网’s next century:

1. Achieve sustainable and diverse enrollment growth for the next 100 years on the Hilltop. We will do so by increasing access to 澳门新葡京官网’s transformative education and by continuing to offer innovative programs designed to equip future professionals within a liberal arts mode. 澳门新葡京官网 will continue with its innovative curriculum designed to ensure that all students graduate with the skills employers and graduate schools seek, and increase access for a broad range of students.

2. Create a stable financial platform for growth and to enhance student success. Funds raised will allow 澳门新葡京官网 to provide scholarship support; build new programs; improve campus infrastructure; and continue to prepare students through the Krulak研究所 for 领导, 体验式教育, and Civic 参与ment and expanded experiential learning opportunities.

3. 支持和参与更大的社区. 澳门新葡京官网 is one of Birmingham’s most enduring and valuable institutions, with more than 300 employees and an estimated annual economic impact of $128 million. 澳门新葡京官网 plans to reinvest in the community--especially in West End--through a meaningful and forward-thinking academic curriculum that takes the classroom to the community and that brings the community to the classroom.

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Birmingham-南部 College is a four-year, private liberal arts institution in Birmingham, Ala., founded in 1856 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. It enrolls about 1,300 students from more than 30 states and 15 foreign countries.